Automotive electronic exterior rearview mirror (CMS)

Automotive electronic  exterior rearview mirror (CMS) Traditional exterior rearview mirrors have pain points such as large blind spots and unclear displays.

With the development of digital display technology, camera monitoring systems, and the release of the national (China) standard GB15084-2022 "Performance and Installation Requirements for Indirect Field of Sight Devices for Motor Vehicles", the CMS electronic exterior rearview mirror for automobiles has experienced unprecedented development.
Electronic exterior rearview mirrors are not affected by weather, providing drivers with better visibility and richer road information

Electronic exterior rearview mirrors are also a configuration that new energy vehicle companies are vigorously promoting, as the traditional exterior rearview mirrors have a bulky and bulky shape that increases the vehicle's drag coefficient. Studies have shown that traditional optical exterior mirrors increase wind resistance by 2% to 7%
Automotive electronic  exterior rearview mirror (CMS)

Zhaowei has been deeply involved in the field of micro drivers for many years, relying on traditional exterior rearview mirror folding product technology, starting from the automotive CMS electronic exterior rearview mirror scene, updating and iterating, empowering the two major functions of exterior rearview mirror folding and interior display screen direction adjustment, and helping global automotive enterprise customers achieve intelligent development.

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